-- we need a table that will let us dynamically create cobranded pages. -- we do this by stuffing some appearance variables in a table and -- create some header and footer functions in the tcl directory for -- every partner. The partner_id fields in the gs_partner table -- will all be automatically registered to set a cookie and redirect -- to the appropriate page -- To kill ad-partner -- drop view ad_partner_header_procs; -- drop view ad_partner_footer_procs; -- drop table ad_partner_procs; -- drop table ad_partner_url; -- drop table ad_partner; create sequence ad_partner_partner_id_seq start with 1000; create table ad_partner ( partner_id integer primary key, -- a human understandable name of the partner partner_name varchar(250) not null, -- the cookie that will get set in the ad_partner cookie (e.g. aol) partner_cookie varchar(50) not null, -- now we start defining stuff that we use in the templates -- font face and color for standard text default_font_face varchar(100), default_font_color varchar(20), -- font face and color for titles title_font_face varchar(100), title_font_color varchar(20), group_id references user_groups ); create index ad_partner_partner_cookie on ad_partner(partner_cookie); create index ad_partner_partner_name_idx on ad_partner(partner_name); create sequence ad_partner_url_url_id_seq start with 1000; create table ad_partner_url ( url_id integer primary key, partner_id not null references ad_partner(partner_id), -- the url stub of the section(directory) we are cobranding (e.g. /search) -- use a leading slash but don't include the partner_cookie url_stub varchar(50) not null, unique(partner_id,url_stub) ); create index ad_partner_url_url_stub on ad_partner_url(url_stub); create sequence ad_partner_procs_proc_id_seq start with 1000; -- each partner can have multiple procs registered for displaying section -- headers. These will be called in order based on call_number create table ad_partner_procs ( proc_id integer primary key, url_id not null references ad_partner_url(url_id), proc_name varchar(100) not null, call_number integer not null, proc_type char(15) not null check(proc_type in ('header','footer')), unique(call_number,url_id,proc_type) ); create or replace view ad_partner_header_procs as select u.partner_id, u.url_id, p.proc_name, p.call_number, p.proc_id from ad_partner_procs p, ad_partner_url u where proc_type='header' and p.url_id=u.url_id order by call_number; create or replace view ad_partner_footer_procs as select u.partner_id, u.url_id, p.proc_name, p.call_number, p.proc_id from ad_partner_procs p, ad_partner_url u where proc_type='footer' and p.url_id=u.url_id order by call_number; create table ad_partner_group_map ( partner_id integer references ad_partner not null, group_id integer references user_groups not null, primary key (group_id, partner_id) ); create or replace function ad_partner_get_cookie (v_group_id integer) return varchar IS v_partner_cookie ad_partner.partner_cookie%TYPE; BEGIN select partner_cookie into v_partner_cookie from ad_partner_group_map, ad_partner where ad_partner_group_map.partner_id = ad_partner.partner_id and ad_partner_group_map.group_id = v_group_id; return v_partner_cookie; END; / show errors; -- Initial Population for ArsDigita (cookie = ad) insert into ad_partner (partner_id,partner_cookie, partner_name, default_font_face, default_font_color, title_font_face, title_font_color) values ('1', 'ad', 'ArsDigita', '', '', '', '' ); insert into ad_partner_url (url_id, partner_id, url_stub) values (1,1,'/'); insert into ad_partner_procs (proc_id, url_id, proc_name, call_number, proc_type) values (1,1,'ad_partner_generic_header',1,'header'); insert into ad_partner_procs (proc_id, url_id, proc_name, call_number, proc_type) values (4,1,'ad_partner_generic_footer',1,'footer');