-- /www/doc/sql/download.sql -- -- created by philg@mit.edu on 12/28/99 -- augmented by ahmeds@mit.edu -- augmented by ron@arsdigita.com 04/10/2000 -- supports a system for keeping track of what .tar files or whatever -- are available to which users and who has downloaded what -- e.g., we use this at ArsDigita to keep track of who has downloaded -- our open-source toolkit (so that we can later spam them with -- upgrade notifications) -- -- download.sql,v 3.6 2000/04/21 05:35:26 ron Exp create sequence download_id_sequence; create table downloads ( download_id integer primary key, -- if scope=public, this is a download for the whole system -- if scope=group, this is a download for/from a subcommunity scope varchar(20) not null, -- will be NULL if scope=public group_id references user_groups on delete cascade, -- e.g., "Bloatware 2000" download_name varchar(100) not null, -- e.g., "bw2000" (valid UNIX directory name) directory_name varchar(100) not null, -- primary description of the item description varchar(4000), -- is the description in HTML or plain text (the default) html_p char(1) default 'f' check(html_p in ('t','f')), -- when the download was created, who created it, etc. creation_date date default sysdate not null, creation_user not null references users(user_id), creation_ip_address varchar(50) not null, -- state should be consistent constraint download_scope_check check ((scope='group' and group_id is not null) or (scope='public')) ); create index download_group_idx on downloads ( group_id ); create sequence download_version_id_sequence; create table download_versions ( version_id integer primary key, download_id not null references downloads on delete cascade, -- when this can go live before the public release_date date not null, -- important: this is the file name that will be served up to -- the user, e.g. bw2000-1.2.3.tar.gz. This is completely up -- to the administrator since we can't verify the contents of -- the downloadable files. pseudo_filename varchar(100) not null, -- might be the same for a series of .tar files, we'll serve -- the one with the largest version_id version varchar(4000), version_description varchar(4000), -- is the description in HTML or plain text (the default) version_html_p char(1) default 'f' check(version_html_p in ('t','f')), -- status of this version status varchar(30) check (status in ('promote', 'offer_if_asked', 'removed')), creation_date date default sysdate not null , creation_user references users on delete set null, creation_ip_address varchar(50) not null ); create sequence download_rule_id_sequence; create table download_rules ( rule_id integer primary key, -- one of the following will be not null version_id references download_versions on delete cascade, download_id references downloads on delete cascade, -- who is allowed to view the download files? visibility varchar(30) check (visibility in ('all', 'registered_users', 'purchasers', 'group_members', 'previous_purchasers')), -- who is allowed to download the files? availability varchar(30) check (availability in ('all', 'registered_users', 'purchasers', 'group_members', 'previous_purchasers')), -- price to purchase or upgrade, typically NULL price number, -- currency code to feed to CyberCash or other credit card system currency char(3) default 'USD' references currency_codes, constraint download_version_null_check check (download_id is not null or version_id is not null) ); -- PL/SQL proc -- returns 'authorized' if a user can view a file, 'not authorized' otherwise. -- if supplied user_id is NULL, this is an unregistered user and we -- look for rules accordingly create or replace function download_viewable_p (v_version_id IN integer, v_user_id IN integer) return varchar2 IS v_visibility download_rules.visibility%TYPE; v_group_id downloads.group_id%TYPE; v_return_value varchar(30); BEGIN select visibility into v_visibility from download_rules where version_id = v_version_id; if v_visibility = 'all' then return 'authorized'; elsif v_visibility = 'group_members' then select group_id into v_group_id from downloads d, download_versions dv where dv.version_id = v_version_id and dv.download_id = d.download_id; select decode(count(*),0,'not_authorized','authorized') into v_return_value from user_group_map where user_id = v_user_id and group_id = v_group_id; return v_return_value; else select decode(count(*),0,'reg_required','authorized') into v_return_value from users where user_id = v_user_id; return v_return_value; end if; END download_viewable_p; / show errors -- PL/SQL proc -- returns 'authorized' if a user can download, 'not authorized' if not -- if supplied user_id is NULL, this is an unregistered user and we -- look for rules accordingly create or replace function download_authorized_p (v_version_id IN integer, v_user_id IN integer) return varchar2 IS v_availability download_rules.availability%TYPE; v_group_id downloads.group_id%TYPE; v_return_value varchar(30); BEGIN select availability into v_availability from download_rules where version_id = v_version_id; if v_availability = 'all' then return 'authorized'; elsif v_availability = 'group_members' then select group_id into v_group_id from downloads d, download_versions dv where dv.version_id = v_version_id and dv.download_id = d.download_id; select decode(count(*),0,'not_authorized','authorized') into v_return_value from user_group_map where user_id = v_user_id and group_id = v_group_id; return v_return_value; else select decode(count(*),0,'reg_required','authorized') into v_return_value from users where user_id = v_user_id; return v_return_value; end if; END download_authorized_p; / show errors -- history create sequence download_log_id_sequence; create table download_log ( log_id integer primary key, version_id not null references download_versions on delete cascade, -- keep track of who downloaded what user_id references users on delete set null, entry_date date not null, ip_address varchar(50) not null, -- keeps track of why people downloaded this particular item download_reasons varchar(4000) );