-- -- contact-manager.sql -- -- defined by philg@mit.edu on March 31, 1999 -- -- a generic, albeit somewhat wimpy, contact manager -- -- we use "contact_" as a table prefix so as not to get confused -- with any content management systems whose tables would be prefixed -- "cm_" -- create the user_group for the contact manager create sequence contact_event_id_sequence; -- this table points into some other table in the system but we -- can't say which one in advance create table contact_events ( contact_event_id integer primary key, other_table_key varchar(700) not null, event_date date not null, user_id not null references users, contactee_name varchar(200), contactee_email varchar(100), note varchar(4000) ); -- we need a table for more structured info (acquired if the user -- presses particular buttons in the /contact-manager/ directory) -- event_type could be 'not_worth_contacting' or 'success' create table contact_structured_events ( contact_event_id integer primary key, other_table_key varchar(700) not null, user_id not null references users, event_date date not null, event_type varchar(100) not null ); -- build an Intermedia index on this table using a USER_DATASTORE (PL/SQL proc -- that will combine the contactee_name and _email with the note); this works -- in Oracle 8.1.5 or newer -- **** it does not work in regular Oracle 8.0 **** -- note that we don't put this into the site-wide index because it is so separate; -- if you were a sales person searching for a contact name, you wouldn't want to -- wade through public content. Nor would people searching public content ever -- be sent here; this contact information simply isn't part of the site content! -- **** this procedure must be owned by CTXSYS! ***** conn ctxsys/ctxsyspassword create or replace procedure contact_events_index_proc ( nextrow IN ROWID, nextclob IN OUT CLOB ) IS event_record contact_events%ROWTYPE; BEGIN select * into event_record from contact_events where rowid = nextrow; dbms_lob.writeappend(v_nextclob, length(event_record.contactee_name), event_record.contactee_name); END contact_events_index_proc; / show errors -- **** then you have to make it excecutable by the regular Web server user! ***** conn realuser/realuserpassword grant execute on contact_events_index_proc to realuser;