spam_post_new_spam_message : API Browser : spam_post_new_spam_message

spam_post_new_spam_message (private)

spam_post_new_spam_message -spam_id spam_id [ -template_p template_p ] \
    [ -from_address from_address ] [ -title title ] \
    [ -body_plain body_plain ] [ -body_html body_html ] \
    [ -body_aol body_aol ] \
    [ -target_users_description target_users_description ] \
    [ -target_users_query target_users_query ] \
    [ -send_date send_date ] [ -creation_user creation_user ] \
    [ -status status ]
Defined in tcl/spam-daemon.tcl

Insert a message to be sent by the spam daemon at a scheduled time send_date.

send_date should be a string of the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS" or else an empty string. If send_date is an empty string, then sysdate is used (send as soon as possible).

Returns spam_id, the id of the newly created message in the spam_history table.

-spam_id (optional)
-template_p (defaults to "f")
-from_address (optional)
-title (optional)
-body_plain (optional)
-body_html (optional)
-body_aol (optional)
-target_users_description (optional)
-target_users_query (optional)
-send_date (optional)
-creation_user (optional)
-status (defaults to "unsent")
[ show source ]

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