ad_administration_group_add : API Browser : ad_administration_group_add


ad_administration_group_add pretty_name module [ submodule ] [ url ] \
    [ multi_role_p ] [ group_id ]
Defined in packages/acs-core/user-groups-procs.tcl

Creates an administration group. Returns: The group_id of the new group if it is created; The group_id of an old group if there was already a administration group for this module and submodule; 0 otherwise. Notice that unique short_name for group is genereted from pretty_name

pretty_name - pretty name of the group
module - module this is created for, ie. 'classifieds'
submodule (optional) - submodule this is created for, ie. 'equipment', 'jobs', 'wtr'
url (optional) - url of the module administration page
multi_role_p (defaults to "f")
group_id (optional) - group id of the new group. One will be generated if it is not specified
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