ArsDigita Archives

Wimpy Point Application Requirements

by Dennis Gregorovic

I. Introduction

This document describes the requirements for the ACS Wimpy Point application. The Wimpy Point application enables users to build slide presentations from their web browsers.

II. Vision Statement

WimpyPoint is a web-based application for building slide presentations that replaces desktop bloatware such as Microsoft PowerPoint. You can build a slide presentation in WimpyPoint from any Web browser anywhere in the world. WimpyPoint will hold onto your presentation in a relational database management system. You can forget your laptop. You can drop your laptop. You will still be able to give your presentation anywhere in the world that you can find a Web browser.

More interestingly, WimpyPoint lets you work with colleagues. From your desk at MIT, you can authorize a friend at Stanford to edit your presentation, the two of you can work together until you're satisfied, and then you can both go into a conference room at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories and give your talk from our server.

III. System/Application Overview

WimpyPoint will consist of a user interface for creating, editing, and presenting slide-based presentations. WimpyPoint will not need an API for developers or a user interface for administrators.

IV. Use-Cases and User Scenarios

Creating a Presentation

Sal Salesman wants to create a slide presentation to promote his company's latest product to potential customers. Sal goes to the WimpyPoint application and clicks on a link to create a new presentation. Sal is prompted to enter information about the presentation such as color scheme, summary, etc. Then Sal creates slides to go into the presentation. Sal can edit each slide as well as change their order. Sal can also decide whether to make the presentation public or private. If private, he chooses who is allowed to view it.

Viewing a Presentation

Sal Salesman has created a slide presentation to promote his company's latest product. He mentions the slide to a Joe at Green Plant Inc, a potential customer. Later that day Joe visits WimpyPoint. He searches for presentations created by Sal, and finds the one he wants. By clicking on the prestation title, the first page of the presentation is displayed. Joe then uses the navigation links to proceed through the presentation and is so impressed with what he sees that he calls Sam to order the product.

V. Related Links

VI.A. Requirements: Data Model

1 Data Model

1.1 Styles

1.1.1 Each style should have color values for text, background, regular links, active links, and visited links.
1.1.2 Each style should allow for arbitrary Cascading Style Sheet code.
1.1.3 Each style should allow for a background image.
1.1.4 Each style should be owned by a single user.
1.1.5 Each style should either be public or private.

1.2 Presentations

1.2.1 Each presentation must have a title.
1.2.2 Each presentation may have a page signature.
1.2.3 Each presentation may have a copyright notice.
1.2.4 Each presentation may have one style associated.
1.2.5 Each presentation must either be public or private.
1.2.6 Each presentation may have a description of the audience.
1.2.7 Each presentation may have a description of background information.
1.2.8 Each presentation may have access control given to a group of users.

1.3 Versions

1.3.1 Each presentation can have an arbitrary number of versions, which are frozen snapshots of the presentation.

1.4 Slides

1.4.1 Each slide belongs to exactly one presentation.
1.4.2 Each slide may have a title.
1.4.3 Each slide may have a preamble.
1.4.4 Each slide may have a list of bullet items.
1.4.5 Each slide may have a postamble.
1.4.6 Each slide can either be included or excluded from presentation outlines.
1.4.7 Each slide may or may not have a context break after it during the slide show.
1.4.8 Each slide may have its own style.

VI.B. Requirements: Administrator Interface


VI.C. Requirements: API


VI.D. Requirements: User Interface

4 User Interface

4.1 Finding Presentations

4.1.1 The user should be able to see a list of presentations that he can view.
4.1.2 The user should be able to see a list of just his own presentations.
4.1.3 The user should be able to search for a presentation by the author's name.
4.1 Creating Presentations

4.1.1 The user, once logged in, should be able to create a new presentation.
4.1.1 When creating the presentation, the user can fill in information like title, page signature, copyright, style, etc.
4.2 Editing a Presentations

4.2.1 The user can insert a new slide.
4.2.2 The user delete a slide.
4.2.3 The user can change the ordering of the slides.
4.2.4 The user can attach a file or image to a slide
4.2.5 The user can edit the presentation properties.
4.2.6 The user can adjust which slides are included in the outline.
4.2.7 The user can edit context breaks.
4.2.8 The user can bulk copy slides from another presentation.
4.2.9 The user can upload an archive of images as slides in the presentation.
4.2.10 The user can delete the presentation.
4.2.11 The user can change the people that may view and / or edit the presentation.
4.2.12 The user can create a version of the presentation.
4.2.13 The user can revert the presentation to a previously saved version.
4.3 Adding and Editing Slides

4.3.1 The user can add, edit, and delete slides.
4.3.2 Each slide can have a title, preamble, postamble, and list of bulleted items.
4.3.3 The ordering of the items in the bulleted list can be changed.
4.3.4 The user can upload attachments to each slide.
4.4 Viewing a Presentation

4.4.1 Viewing a presentation first entails showing a title page with the presentation title, authors, and list of slides.
4.4.2 From here the user can click on an individual slide to display that slide.
4.4.3 There should also be a link to start the slide show, which will display the first slide.
4.4.4 When viewing a slide, in addition to the slide information being shown, there will be links to view the next and previous slides. There will also be a link to return to the top of the presentation.
4.4.5 The presentation by default will be displayed in the style chosen by the author. However, the user should be able to change this, either for the session or permanently.

VII. Revision History

Document Revision # Action Taken, Notes When? By Whom?
0.1 Creation 22-Sep-2000 Dennis Gregorovic
0.2 Revised 02-Oct-2000 Dennis Gregorovic