ArsDigita Archives
Photo Album
version 4.0.1


A photo album application that provides photo display and grouping functionality using the ACS Content Repository.


Feb 05, 2001
Description: A photo album application that provides photo display and grouping functionality using the ACS Content Repository.

Allows users to upload photos, store and edit attributes, and group photos into albums and folders. Allows site administrators to set permissions that control who can do and see what within a photo album application. Includes sub-site support.

Requires installation of ImageMagick on host machine. See design doc for details.

Software Type: 4.x TCL Package
Requires: acs-content-repository (4.1)
acs-kernel (4.1)
acs-templating (4.1)
Provides: Doesn't provide services
Vendor: ArsDigita Corporation
Owner: Tom Baginski (
Uploaded by: Tom Baginski on 2001-02-07
Downloads: 3306

