ArsDigita Archives
MTA Monitor



Feb 22, 2000
Description: The ArsDigita MTA Monitor is designed for monitoring a group of mail transport agents administered by one or more administrators. The basic operation of this software is as follows: Every five minutes it will try to connect to the SMTP port of every machine in turn and check whether it can talk to the MTA program. Every fifteen minutes it will also try to send a little email (emailet) to each server and wait for response. If the response doesn't come in one minute it will send a notification via email to the administrator(s). A little Perl script has to be installed on each monitored server that will respond to incoming emailets. If multiple incidents occur in short period of time, no more than one notification will be sent every fifteen minutes. The ArsDigita MTA Monitor will try to lump as many events (also, if they involve different servers) as possible into a single notification. The parameters such as frequency of SMTP probing, frequency of emailets sent as well as how long the monitor will wait for response before raising alarm can be changed in an initialization file. In addition to notifications, the MTA Monitor will also send one email per day summarizing performance.

For more information, visit

Uploaded by: Sarah Ahmed on 2000-02-22
Downloads: 4446
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